Providing a secure environment

Providing a secure environment

  • Need Child Care? What To Consider When Choosing A Provider During The Current Pandemic

    If you're ready to go back to work, and you need to find the right child care, start by ensuring proper Covid-19 safety measures. You want to make sure that your child stays healthy while they're receiving child care. When you care for your own child, you know what safety measures are being followed. Unfortunately, you don't have that same knowledge when someone else is caring for your child. This is especially worrisome during the current pandemic.

  • Do Want to Enrol Your Child in a Childcare Centre? 4 Tips for Choosing the Right One

    Once you have a child, you will need to make educational choices for them. Every parent wants their child to have the best learning environment, whether they are considering a kindergarten or a childcare centre. So, you will want to look for a place where your child will be happy and receive an enriching and rewarding early education. Keep in mind that early education is crucial for your child's development. For this reason, one has to consider various things before enrolling their kid in a childcare centre.

  • Will Your Child Take Long to Adjust to a Child Care Centre?

    Most parents today work for longer hours to provide for their children, and as they work, they need to ensure their children are well taken care of. One of the options you can consider if you are in this predicament is to enrol your young one in a child care centre. These institutions are set up like preschools and give your child the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school setting.

  • How Can You Teach Your Small Child a Second Language?

    There are many reasons why you might want to raise your small child bilingual. First of all, it's much easier for somebody to pick up a new language when they are young because they simply pick up the patterns and rhythms of a language organically, instead of learning difficult grammar rules. If you and your partner speak more than one language as your native tongues, it might be a question of wanting to immerse your child in an aspect of their cultural heritage.

  • 4 Tips To Deal With Jealousy When Your Child Gets Too Attached To The Staff At Day Care

    As a working mum, you may need to find a day care centre for your child. Home-based or family day care is a good option with many inherent benefits, including a low ratio of care providers to children. For such a day care centre, you will find that each provider takes care of a small number of kids. Small numbers mean your child will be getting lots of individual attention. But what happens when your child gets too attached to the care provider at the family day care centre?

  • About Me

    Providing a secure environment

    As an educator I need to make sure that my kids are always safe, emotionally and physically. It can be hard to keep an eye on so many children so I have to put a lot of effort into planning the environment so that they are always in safe position. A lot of the time I try to think like a kid to work out how they might like to explore the room and what objects they'll pick up and try and use. If you'd like to read some of my ideas and tip on setting up childcare rooms read on.