Providing a secure environment

Providing a secure environment

Why You Should Always Let Your Child Try Preschool At Least Once

by Vernon Freeman

When it comes to childcare there are so many variations out there that it can be easy to get confused as to which is the best for your kid. From in-home nannies to daycare centres and everything in between, knowing what is best for your child can be quite literally impossible without some trial and error. However, one type of childcare should always at least be given a chance to succeed because if it does it can mean a far more engaged kid throughout schooling. Here is why you should consider sending your child to preschool once they turn three.

Learning The Fundamentals

Preschool is much like other childcare centres in that there are plenty of breaks, children get lots of food and rest, and there is a lot of time for socialising and developing group skills. However, unlike other childcare centres, there is also a more pronounced aim of getting your child ready for the many academic years ahead of them. That generally just entails a very relaxed starting point, such as basic arithmetic and learning how to recognise words and letters, but every little bit helps and sometimes children progress far further than this due to their natural abilities.

Understanding The Routine

Perhaps more important than the actual learning element of preschool is the routine, which gives your child a sneak peek into the very ordered world of schooling. Order and routine are very good for young kids because it gives them stability and doesn't make them constantly confused in their surroundings. Preschool can, therefore, be better than alternative childcare options not just because it gives them a leg-up on the schooling syllabus, but when the time comes to enrol in school they know exactly what to expect and how to behave. 

It's Not Forever

While the vast majority of children who enter preschool end up loving it and enjoy the challenges it presents them, some kids simply aren't ready, particularly if they are on the younger side of things. The great thing about preschools is that they are very understanding of individuals who don't quite fit their mould and will immediately notify parents if they think this is not the right avenue for your child. It is important to try and give them the best possible start to academia; many kids get that opportunity through preschool. If that is the case for your child, all it means is that they need a bit more time in a more relaxed environment before they make the switch to school, and it is better you know that now than later. 


About Me

Providing a secure environment

As an educator I need to make sure that my kids are always safe, emotionally and physically. It can be hard to keep an eye on so many children so I have to put a lot of effort into planning the environment so that they are always in safe position. A lot of the time I try to think like a kid to work out how they might like to explore the room and what objects they'll pick up and try and use. If you'd like to read some of my ideas and tip on setting up childcare rooms read on.