Providing a secure environment

Providing a secure environment

4 Reasons to Choose Centre-Based Child Care Over a Nanny

by Vernon Freeman

It should go without saying that choosing between child care options can represent a huge decision for parents. It's easy to become overwhelming when you're trying to find the best place for your children, especially when you'll also need to consider more practical factors. 

Parents often find themselves choosing between taking their child to a dedicated child care centre or hiring nannies to come to their homes and watch their children there. Both options have their own pros and cons, so you really need to consider your own needs and decide which type of child care will best fit them. With that in mind, here are just four reasons you might want to opt for a child care centre.

1. Socialisation

Child care isn't just about making sure your kids are looked after when you aren't available. It's also a great opportunity for children to start interacting with larger peer groups and building their social skills. When you choose a child care centre, your children will meet a much larger and more diverse group of peers, which will help them start building the social abilities they require throughout their lives. With a nanny, they'll often only end up meeting one or two new people.

2. Structure

Child care centres are not the same as schools, but they do offer more structure than home-based child care. Children will go through set activities that tend to follow a fixed timetable, which means attending a child care centre can get your children ready for the set structure they'll experience once they do start school. Most child care centres do also offer some learning opportunities, so young children can also get a start on their education.

3. Dependability

Even if you employ two or more nannies to work on different days and cover each other, there's always the possibility that unexpected situations can leave you high and dry. That can be a huge problem when you have your own life to deal with, so it makes sense to trust a child care centre instead. With a larger number of staff members, they will be far more dependable and very unlikely to leave you without child care for the day.

4. Regulations

Finally, many parents enjoy greater peace of mind when they choose a child care centre over a nanny. That's because child care centres need to follow very strict regulations covering everything from who they employ to how their building is secured and made safe for children. Nannies can be great, but they generally don't need to meet such strict regulations.

Reach out to a child care centre near you to learn more.


About Me

Providing a secure environment

As an educator I need to make sure that my kids are always safe, emotionally and physically. It can be hard to keep an eye on so many children so I have to put a lot of effort into planning the environment so that they are always in safe position. A lot of the time I try to think like a kid to work out how they might like to explore the room and what objects they'll pick up and try and use. If you'd like to read some of my ideas and tip on setting up childcare rooms read on.